Regular generator maintenance keeps the power on.

Choose Your Plan Now Details

A standby generator is a great investment, and to assist you in protecting it, a maintenance plan from RC WATT is an amazing value. Like your car, a generator needs regular, expert care to keep it operating at its best. RC WATT technicians receive manufacturer training each year and are equipped with specialized tools and spare parts to offer services for your standby generator.


Quality Service for Your Needs

We seek to provide you with the best maintenance solution for your needs, both in terms of reliability and affordability. Our Gold plan ensures the greatest reliability for generator operation throughout the year, with a trained RC WATT technician to perform the annual replacement of OFP consumables (oil, filters, and sparkplugs) along with two thorough inspections each year.

Compare our air-cooled offerings below to select the best plan for you and your generator.

You may have a liquid cooled standby generator, 1-phase up to 60kW. We service them too.

Gold Silver
One year plan 399 299
Oil change included
2 inspection visits* per year
25+ point inspection
10% discount on client-authorized additional labor or service visits
Pricing subject to change without notice. Sales tax applies.

View agreements: Air Liquid

Choose Your Plan Now

*Our plans are for service without an appointment (we have keys to all the generators we install). For full details please view the agreement for the type of plan you prefer.

For Reliable Convenient POWER, think RC WATT!